Thai Massage: Benefits and Effects

Thai massage is used both preventively and as a treatment (it is said to be an effective treatment for 51 different ailments). Its most important function is to stimulate the natural healing process by improving the flow of energy disrupted by various ailments. Massage, as a holistic technique, has an effect on the physical as…

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Main Schools of Thai Massage

There is no single standard form of Thai massage, one could even say that there are as many variations of massage as there are regions or teachers. Even individual villages or families have their own massage techniques or variations. Passing knowledge from teacher to student and preserving the tradition of one’s massage school is very…

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Abdominal Massage

Abdominal Massage In many schools, abdominal massage is not usually performed as a standard element of a massage procedure, but rather as a form of therapy. The digestive system and abdominal organs work almost continuously. In yoga, abdominal self-massage (Nauli) is recommended as a daily practice for prevention and improving the function of the abdominal…

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Courses of Traditional Thai Massage